MicroGreen XG, displayed on a quarter
Friendsville, PA — July 26, 2016 — Snake Creek Lasers, LLC, today, announced for sale two new
versions of its established MicroGreen series DPSS laser with markedly improved long-term output
power stability. The new MicroGreen-XG-15 and MicroGreen-XG-30 series lasers are designed for
applications requiring up to either 15 mW or 30 mW TEM00 output power, and are constant current
devices. Key features of these new lasers are small size, good stability, high reliability, and high quality.
“The technology to build long-term stable DPSS lasers in match-box or bigger size packages is well
known–however, not in Ø9 mm device packages,” states Dr. David Brown, President and CTO. “The
combination of small size and near-diffraction limited output beam makes the MicroGreen XG series a
unique and low-cost 532 nm laser source for illumination and fluorescence-based applications where
hours of stable CW operation per event are required.”
Snake Creek Lasers develops advanced solid-state laser technology under internal research and
development and research contracts and is an OEM supplier of miniature-size industrial-grade visible and
infrared lasers to military, industrial, and commercial market places. All Snake Creek Laser devices are
manufactured, tested, and shipped from our factory in Friendsville, Pennsylvania, USA. Interested users
are encouraged to contact Snake Creek Lasers for rapid application and technical support, and pricing.
For more information, visit our website at www.apslasers.com or contact us at info@apslasers.com