June 20, 2018 – Advanced Photonic Sciences (APSci) Management announced today that the company has signed an exclusive agreement to represent Dr. Luhs Engineering Offices in North America to distribute, service, and support all Educational Modules, which include Optics, Lasers, Telecom, and Laser Applications Modules.
These modules, developed by Dr. Walter Luhs Photonik Ingenieurbüro in Eschbach, Germany, are thorough, well thought out and executed, educational modules with wide applicability to teaching the basic principles of optics and lasers, and applications thereof, in a wide variety of educational settings. These include advanced high schools, community colleges, technical vocational schools, colleges and universities, and military schools. They will now be available and supported in the U.S. and Canada for the first time.
At APSci, we believe that these Modules can make an important contribution to a renewed emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in the United States, and in particular to upgrading the experimental teaching of the exciting and increasingly more important field of Photonics. The Modules are particularly applicable to physics, lasers, chemistry, electrical engineering, bio-photonics, and optics academic Departments engaged in teaching photonics.
To download a copy of the 2018 Photonics Experiments Catalog, please visit our website. For information regarding any of these laser products please us at info@apslasers.com. You may also visit us at our new website at www.www.apslasers.com or call us at 570-553-1120.